Integrating Collected Customer Data from SMOC.AI
You can integrate customer data with SMOC.AI with your favorite CRM, eCommerce system or other customer data platform. We support several ways: Zapier, Integration Partner, our rest API, or manual Export.
You can find detailed information about our customer data integration options on our developer portal. Explore the various methods available to seamlessly integrate your customer data and enhance your overall experience.
Below, we list the various options as well as links to the right sections in the developer portal.
- Zapier integration is one of the easiest and straight forward. Make sure you contact us beforehand to get an activation link and you are all set. -> Go here for details on Zapier integration
- Our rest API is the detailed way to integrate. You can access the data for your company with an integration key we can help you with. -> Go here for details on API contact retrieval
- We have partnered with several integration partners that connect to us. Contact us for alternatives.
- Lastly, there is always the option to export data from the contacts section. This will data will export in csv/spreadsheet format.