Best Practices for Lead Conversion Flows
We present some good rules of thumb and some cardinal sins on of how to create a good lead conversion flow.
Here are top 8 recommendations for optimizing lead conversion flows on your website with a digital sales agent.
- Starting point needs to be a clear call to action:
- On the main page of your website, include a call to action that directly addresses a key problem you can solve for the customer on a personal level. This could be answering questions like "how much can I save?", "what is my price?", or "what is my potential benefit?".
- Similar to the above you can also trigger the flow from an email link, an ad or a QR code in a physical advertisement or handout. Again, make sure the call to action in this trigger needs to be a clear benefit for the user.
- Make sure to embed this flow on your landing page on your own site for optimal results, but using a SMOC landing page can also work as a starter.
- Create a concise and friendly introduction in the flow. This intro must align with point one above. Include a brief greeting and text message in one sentence. Consider using a smiley face if it aligns with your brand.
- Begin by asking the initial question. This question should offer max two options, such as yes or no, that are directly related to the desired action. You can also have one option such as "Start now", "Click here" etc. The key here is to encourage interaction and that the user understands (s)he should interact, as this will increase the likelihood of continued engagement after the first interaction on subsequent questions.
- If you decide to create a decision tree, it is recommended to have three questions after the first interaction, with a maximum of five questions.
- Ask them if they would like to provide their contact information in order to receive an offer, additional details, or schedule a meeting - whatever is applicable. In the case that they respond with a no, also inquire about the reason behind their decision to gather statistical data.
- Include the necessary information in the form, but be mindful not to ask for an excessive amount of data. Requesting too much information may cause visitors to abandon the form.
- After they have completed the form, provide them with clear guidance on the next steps and include a link for them to proceed further.
One of the big benefits of SMOC flows is very high conversion. Core however is that you must optimize for initial interaction of the user on the flow. Without this initial interaction, no lead or sale and we see some very common mistakes that you at all costs must avoid. Remember the 4 second rule - you generally have only 4 seconds to grab the users action.
The following are cardinal sins of conversion flow intros and how to solve these.
- Have a lengthy intro with loads of text in the flow -> Best practice is a greeting, followed by one text with single line of text and then call to action.
- More than two choices in the call to action in the flow interaction drops dramatically -> There are lots of scientific studies that show that the more choices you show your users, the harder it is to choose. Especially in the intro too many choices will make the user bounce and never interact. Best practice is a short intro question with yes and no answer.
- Making the intro about your company/product not about your customer. -> Sales is always about the customer. You need to communicate about them, not the product. This means that the intro and consecutive text should be about how you can solve the customers needs and questions, not tell them how marvelous you are.
- Making the intro answering a different question from the action button, ad or link that triggers the flow. -> We see that customers quickly bounce if the intro and the ad is different.
See tutorial video for the basics of setting up of a lead conversion forms.