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Group 4440
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Group 4440




Sports and Fitness


60 centers in Norway



Use case

Provide onboarding information, and get new customers to download app


Onboard new customers

Digital channel

Newsletter -Email


About Family Sports Club

Family Sports Club, one of Norway's largest fitness centers, has an impressive network of 60 locations throughout the country.

They are known for their commitment to fostering a social and inclusive atmosphere, and FSC offers a diverse range of fitness training options to its subscribers.

Each center is fully equipped with state-of-the-art fitness equipment, and the facility is staffed by a team of highly skilled professionals who consistently provide tailored training programs for individuals of all fitness levels.

In addition to its comprehensive fitness services, FSC also offers a comprehensive health care package. This package includes unlimited online consultations with general practitioners and up to 8 annual consultations with psychologists, ensuring members receive holistic care for their well-being.

How they use SMOC.AI

This flow seamlessly guides users through various steps, including providing essential information about personal training (PT) classes and group classes, enabling the convenient booking of group sessions, and effectively disseminating details about training offers.

Upon initiating the onboarding flow, customers are warmly greeted and presented with five distinct options. This user-friendly approach allows individuals to explore the options at their own pace, as they can select any option to learn more and easily return to the main menu for further exploration. Alternatively, customers can be redirected to the relevant page on the Family Sports Club website to access additional information.

By leveraging their onboarding solution, Family Sports Club can create a seamless and engaging experience for its customers, ensuring they receive comprehensive information and enjoy a smooth transition into the world of FSC.


The implementation of the SMOC.AI flow in this impactful campaign has not only educated customers but also facilitated the collection of valuable insights into user preferences, ultimately resulting in the expansion of its customer base. Remarkably, throughout the campaign, an impressive 64.1% of visitors successfully downloaded the mobile app.
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True Energy

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“SMOC has given us a modern tool for entering into dialogue with our customers! Live in less than 1 week! ”

Petter Kildal Forseth